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How It All Started

My name is David Brown aka Liedtoo2long. I was born in Dallas, Texas but raised in Pasadena, California.  I began this spiritual journey of deconstructing from religious traditional dogmas in 2014.  I was raised under the doctrine of Christianity in the Black-American Missionary Baptist Denomination whereas as a child my singing gifts made me a Pastors favorite. I have never met my father but grew up in a single mother household and she did an extraordinary job in raising me but like most children I could not see the forest for the trees when it came down to receiving her love towards me.


As a child I stayed in church activities about every day of the week and by the time I reached adolescence I hated going to church so much that I ran away from home several times until a family member took me in to live with her family as I completed high school. After graduating from high school, I joined the United States Army and at the end of service I returned home to live with my mother in Pasadena, California. Upon returning home Pasadena had changed drastically, due to alcohol and substance abuse in the Black community which eventually caught me as a POW. To find relief from drug abuse I went back to Church where my spiritual gifts catapulted me to serve God as an Associate minister, praise and worship leader, youth minister but I still could not break the strongholds of drug addiction. I mean the road was pure HELL that lasted from 1996 to 2007 with brief moments of sobriety and several treatment programs. But, on July 12, 2007, I had a burning bush spiritual awakening that broke the chains of addiction and I have been sober ever since.


After this spiritual awakening I returned to the church and was working for a prominent Alcohol/substance treatment center as an Alcohol/Substance Abuse Counselor/ Adult Education Site Coordinator. With over two years sober (2009) and attending college, finally my Christian beliefs and spiritual gifts were aligned with Man, but not with God or myself! Also, I felt that no matter what I did people were waiting for me to relapse and return to my past and being in ministry was feeling like another job. I did not have a social life; I was always alone (I was being separated by the Creator but did not know it).  All I knew at that time was after finding freedom from drug addiction I did not want to be in bondage making Church people happy while I felt desolate, so I found the courage to forsake the assembly of the church but not Christianity in 2010. After three years of sobriety (2010), I found solace in Cocaine Anonymous and did my shadow work through the 12 Step Program and there is where the principles of Honesty, Open-mindedness, and Willingness were ingrained in my spirit and psychic.

In 2013 I had a brother who has now transitioned and gave me the DVD of Tariq Nasheed Hidden Colors that spoke to my consciousness and from there I was guided to Dr. Ray Hagins and the Afrikan Village that put me on this spiritual journey. Two years later I discovered that I had been adopted as a child and met my biological mother at 51 years of age. This awareness was the icing on the cake that created the phrase lied2toolong. I evolved from Cocaine Anonymous 12 Step Program to Kemetic Philosophy and have brought both teachings to create 4th Dimensions Spiritual Travel which is the ministry to help others deconstruct from religious traditions and dogmas, and to discover our true divinity THE ALL/SOURCE has designed for his children.

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